Common Electrical Problems In Your Victoria BC Home

When you come across a common electrical problem in your Victoria BC home, do you know what steps to take? Many of the most common electrical issues are easily fixed, but some require an electrician in Victoria BC called in. If you aren’t sure how to fix these common issues or how severe they may be, we have listed some quick-fixes and not-so-quick-fixes below. 

DIY Fixes 

Loose Outlet Plug: To fix this annoying issue, first turn off the breaker and double check for voltage using a voltmeter or just by plugging something in. Once you have made sure there is no electricity running to the outlet, unscrew the cover plate and add outlet shims until the outlet becomes flush with the wall. Put the cover plate back and you are good to go!

Short Circuit: If your hairdryer or other appliance trips or shorts the circuit, all you need to do is reset the breaker. If it is happening many times with the same appliance, your appliance is faulty. If it happens often with different appliances, it may be time to call in a pro.

Broken Light Switch: First, turn off the circuit breaker - the light will go out when you turn off the right one! Then, remove the faceplate on the switch and the switch itself. You can then test the two wires connected to the screw for electricity - if it is safe to do so, you can disconnect and reassemble the light switch to fix the issue.

Non-DIY Fixes 

Frequent Light Bulb Blowout: You might not be just using your lights too much - frequent bulb blowouts are caused by either loose connections in the socket or circuit, or overheating and resulting auto-shutoff of some lighting fixtures (especially recessed lighting).

Flickering Lights: Flickering or dimming lights could signify a poor connection, which could mean that you have loose or corroded connections in your electrical system. This could lead to sparking, overheating, and even fires in your home - so call a professional ASAP.

Warm Outlets: Warm outlets or switches (with the exception of dimming switches) are a very serious issue and should be looked at immediately by a Victoria BC electrician. Be sure to monitor the problem area closely until a pro can take a look.

Dead Outlets: A dead outlet is usually caused by a tripped poor connection or a tripped breaker due to either arcing or heat buildup. You’ll want to call in an expert to take a look at the extent of the damage.

Frequent Breaker Tripping: This is a strong sign that the circuit is using too much electricity and is therefore overloaded. In this situation, you may want to consider upgrading your electrical system or adding a circuit. 

Remember: many of the issues that require professional attention are hazardous problems that can cause serious damage to your home and family if left unchecked. Whether you don’t feel comfortable fixing a simpler issue, or have a larger problem at hand, if you need a trusted electrician’s services for your Victoria BC home, contact us today.